Established 2003. Now incorporating The Sudbury Hill Harrow and Wherever End Times

Monday, March 08, 2004

Ratio and Proportion

If Mussolini's Italy is to Hitler's Germany as X is to Bush's USA

Mussolini's Italy               X
____________  = ___________

Hitler's Germany        Bush's USA

X * Hitler's Germany = Bush's USA * Mussolini's Italy

          Bush's USA * Mussolini's Italy
X = ________________________

                   Hitler's Germany

What is the value of X?*

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Professor Kronk

* Hint: it's Prime Minister's initials are T.B.

1 comment:

Comments 2003-2004 said...


Though I do love the Teatime Wordsearch and can usually find all the words I found this one a bit hard. I remember Johnny Balls used to do the wordsearch. Has Professor Kronk taken over? Also Mr Balls used to have the answers upside down at the bottom of the page and not like some of those papers where you have to ring up 0901 numbers for the answers.

Post by : Mrs Berries ( / )



Post by : qB ( / )


Miss, Miss!

X=Blair's Britain

Post by : Alec Smart ( / )


I've never been able to figure out why they fired me, and put so-called Professor Kronk in my place. I wonder what discipline and what university he qualified in?

Post by : Johnny Balls ( / )


Life, dear boy, the University of Life. My early education was from the incomparable School of Hard Knocks. My theories are all my own, the establishment spurns me, even though I picket all their meetings in my sandwich boards.

Post by : Kronk ( / )


In 1958 I was privileged enough to attend a lecture at which Herr Kronk demonstrated his discovery that a body displaces its own weight in water. In a state of heightened excitement I made my way home and put my thumb in a cup of water and weighed the overflow and then weighed my thumb. I was staggered to find that Kronk's observation was, give or take an ounce or so, quite correct.

Willesden has a great man in its midst and yet no blue plaque yet honours him. I think we should be told why.

Post by : Beobachter Vorwaerts ( / )


The ounce or two difference could be due to varying amounts of engorgement of the thumb, due to fluctuating blood pressure in rooms of different temperature. One way round this is to keep the thumb in the mouth before and after the experiment until it has been weighed. The temperature in the mouth is constant enough for the purpose. There is a way to achieve even greater accuracy using a similar technique, which I'll leave you to deduce for yourself.

Post by : Kronk ( / )
