Established 2003. Now incorporating The Sudbury Hill Harrow and Wherever End Times

Tuesday, December 08, 2015

Conversations with the first alien scout

"Ni hao? Hola? Hello?"
"Hmm. Wie geht's? Pryvet?"
"Wos yer game!?"

"What is your energy source?"
"We eat stuff."
"Okaaay. Crude. How long do you live?"
"About 80 years."
"What!? Are you serious?"
"'fraid so."

"Is there a waste output resulting from this 'eating'? I'd like to see it."
"No you wouldn't."

"I like what you've done with that star."
"We didn't do anything, it was like that."

"We don't have a planet of our own."
"Oh yeh?"
"Did you notice you have a loose roof tile there?"

Bob Harmless

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